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Understanding the Gurukul system

"Gurukul" is an ancient Indian education system, where students known as "shishyas" lived with their teachers known as "gurus", in the same house or community known as "Gurukul".  


Gurukul origins dates to ancient times in India and emphasises both academic and practical learning.


Below are some key aspects of Gurukul.

Derived from Sanskrit,  “Guru” means Teacher and “Kul” means family and community.

Education in the Gurukul system was free and Gurus used to receive fees after the participants once they were able to.

The Gurukul system is an ancient Indian educational model that nurtures holistic development.

Topics were tailored to the individual’s aptitude and interests.

The subjects taught in a Gurukul range widely, and include physical, mental, spiritual, sciences, arts, and practical skills.

Progress measured based on the mastery of skills rather than standardised testing.

Gurukul system delivers learning through experience and self-discovery.

The Gurukul system was built around the relationship between the Guru (teacher or mentor) and the Shishya (student)

This system has largely been replaced by modern educational institutions in India, however it's still regarded as an integral part of India's cultural and educational heritage.
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