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Your Journey To Wellbeing Starts Within

|| True wellbeing begins from within oneself, and our mind. By adopting ancient sciences and practices we can enable wisdom in our lives that can foster wellbeing from within ||

Welcome to Gurukul 8 (infinity), an experiential learning designed to learn and un-learn in today's digitalised age and nurture holistic wellbeing.

We create innovative and creative experiential learning environments for ancient topics, that are delivered by Guru/Teachers in the Kul/Community. Here you can learn concepts, unlearn myths, and adapt timeless wisdoms to look after your whole self.


Gurukul 8 covers a broad spectrum ancient wisdom topics including Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Music, Dance, Vedic sciences and more. Our approach aims to provide a deeper understanding of ancient teachings for a balanced life. Explore our Experiences page to see the upcoming schedule.


|| Derived from Sanskrit, “Guru” means teacher and “Kul” means family and community ||


Drawing inspiration from a 5,000 year old tradition, Gurukul 8 adapts the timeless Gurukul educational system to creatively and innovatively deliver learning through community-based teachers, experiential education, and creating space for curiosity and self-discovery.

Ash Dhareshwar is at the forefront of reimagining learning with a passion for adapting the Gurukul system to integrate ancient teachings into todays life.

As we've ushered ourselves into this digital age, we've become masters at multitasking, yet many of us have drifted from our core. Lets reclaim that connection with ourselves 
- Ash Dhareshwar, Founder Gurukul 8 (infinity)

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Our Vision

Pioneer a fresh approach to learning & development in our increasingly digitalised world and cross pollinate cultural diversity.


Our Mission

Enable people to navigate the future with curiosity and provide approaches to balance the digital age.

Gurukul 8 (infinity) is forming to be a movement that reimagines learning in today's digitalised world, emphasising the importance of knowledge in the community and in-person contact to learning and unlearning, and to promote the topics of holistic wellbeing.

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